Adolescent Inpatient Mental Health: What to Expect During a Day of Treatment

Published On: November 3, 2022|Categories: Mental Health|974 words|4.9 min read|
High angle of teenagers sitting in the circle during discussion with counselor about future career plans

If you’ve ever switched schools or moved somewhere new, you understand the anxious feeling of starting treatment for the first time. A new environment, new people and new expectations can make insecurities and worries bubble to the surface.

As a teen or the parent of a teen beginning treatment, it’s normal to feel some trepidation leading up to adolescent mental health treatment. Overnight stays in inpatient programs can feel even more stressful.

Understanding the daily structure and expectations at an adolescence inpatient mental health program can help ease the nerves you might be feeling. In this article we’ll explore the daily schedule at Silvermist Recovery in the hopes that it gives you peace of mind so you can start treatment confidently.

Daily Schedule for Adolescent Inpatient Treatment


Wake up, personal hygiene and medications: the first hour of the day is designed for self-care time as well as taking any prescription medications you may need.


Breakfast: The next hour of the day is breakfast time, with a focus on mindful eating and enjoying the food. Meals are generally distraction-free so you can focus on eating the right amount, enjoying company during food time and noticing how your body feels based on what you consume.


Various therapeutic exercises: The next hour and a half block are designed for different therapeutic modalities. This chunk of time will rotate each day and can include anything from animal-assisted therapy, to ecotherapy, art therapy, one-on-one counseling or learning a new type of skill.


Psychoeducation: After a short break, you’ll have a period of psychoeducation, which is when education is provided that pertains to recovery. In this component of recovery you may learn about the brain science of addiction, effective coping strategies, how trauma impacts mental health, signs and symptoms of mental health distress and so much more.


Lunch: In adolescent mental health treatment, meals are a reliable part of the daily schedule and the focus is always on mindful eating. Healthy eating habits can improve your mood, increase energy, help you feel grounded and increase mental capabilities.


Various therapeutic exercises: The next hour and a half also varies each day and the afternoon block tends to include more relaxing and engaging activities. After a morning of hard self-work, you may enjoy yoga, animal-assisted therapy or an uplifting movie and reflection time with your peers.


Afternoon snack: A short break in the afternoon allows for snacking, movement and social interaction.


Life skills: The last large therapeutic block of the day is devoted to life skills improvement. In this section you may focus on culinary class, some money management workshops, communication skills, body image and more. You could also have a class in self-care in which you practice new techniques and evaluate old ones. Many topics can be covered in this window of time.


Academics: On weekdays, adolescents are given an hour and a half of time to keep up with school work. Schools generally make exceptions for missed work due to psychological concerns, but keeping up your academic skills will prove important, too. On weekends, patients are given free time to participate in games or leisure activities.


Dinner: After a short break following academics, dinner is served. Clients eat meals as a community and the regularity of social time often forms close bonds between patients. This social support can be a huge motivator in treatment and encourage clients in recovery.


Personal hygiene, medications and phone time: Adolescent mental health treatment in residential settings can be a big shift for teens who live at home and are used to quality time with family and friends. Time before bed to relax, communicate with loved ones and take care of oneself can prove to be energizing for the next day.


Snack and meditation: The last structured time block of the evening is a nightly snack and guided meditation. Patients are encouraged to snack mindfully, but after a hard day of work it’s important to replenish your energy. 


Lights out: After a half hour of free time, patients are encouraged to get enough rest for the following day. A strict schedule helps to keep the facility running smoothly and can promote interior order as well. Regular sleep has benefits for mental health, too. After a long day, you’ll be eager to go to bed, too.

What to expect

Even if you have familiarity with the schedule, you may still feel some hesitation about treatment. Understanding what the facility will expect of you and what you can expect of the facility can make recovery feel more comfortable.

What you can expect

  • Judgment-free care
  • Assistance with medication management
  • Professional, confidential therapy
  • Decades of experience in healing mental health and eating disorders
  • Clean, state-of-the-art facilities
  • Evidenced-based treatment using the latest research
  • A diverse variety of engaging psychoeducation and therapeutic modalities
  • A safe and comfortable environment
  • Wholesome food with sufficient calories combining nutritious and comfort foods
  • Outdoor time (weather permitting)
  • Phone contact with family members on a daily basis

The staff at Silvermist Recovery are motivated to ensure you feel supported, cared for and comfortable while you work to heal from mental health issues.

What’s expected of you

There are certain guidelines and rules that every center follows. These expectations are designed with your health, healing and safety in mind.

  • Complete abstinence from drugs and alcohol
  • Approved visitors allowed during certain hours of the day
  • Minimal phone usage (patients generally use phones only during recreational times and never during therapy)
  • Compliance with written rules
  • Timely arrival to all scheduled sessions and meals
  • Participation in group outings (like nature walks)
  • Respect towards all staff and peers

When you start treatment at Silvermist, you’ll know just what you’re getting. Call today to start treatment for intrinsic healing.

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