Dealing With Trauma During the Holiday Season
648 words|3.2 min read|Why are the Holidays a Trigger? With the holiday season upon us, there is an abundance of parties, dinners, gift-giving, and other winter festivities. While [...]
Symptoms of a Silent Anxiety Attack
692 words|3.5 min read|Anxiety attacks are often associated with clear, outward symptoms such as rapid breathing, sweating and trembling. However, not all anxiety attack symptoms are so obvious. [...]
How to Stop Manipulating People
555 words|2.8 min read|Often used to control outcomes or influence other people’s actions, manipulation is a behavior pattern that can strain relationships and erode trust. Whether conscious or [...]
The Mom Burnout to Substance Abuse Pipeline
771 words|3.9 min read|While raising young children is celebrated as a time of joy and fulfillment for mothers, this life stage can also be a period of overwhelming [...]
Helpers Need Help: Mental Health and Addiction Among Caregivers
466 words|2.3 min read|It’s easy to assume that the people who support others in need are immune to mental health and addiction issues. However, helpers such as healthcare [...]
Reduce Stress in Your Life in 10 Simple Steps
1236 words|6.2 min read|The burdens of life can be a heavy load. When you feel like you are on a hamster wheel that you can’t seem to get [...]
Long-Term Mental Health Treatment for Female Veterans With MST
539 words|2.7 min read|Military sexual trauma (MST) is as a significant but often hidden crisis impacting female veterans. Because of shame and stigma causing victims to stay silent [...]
Living with a Veteran Partner Who Has PTSD: Guidance and Understanding
579 words|2.9 min read|Living with a veteran partner who struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be challenging. PTSD is a mental health disorder that can develop after exposure [...]
Understanding Your Loved One’s PTSD Triggers: The Path to Supportive Care
497 words|2.5 min read|For individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), understanding and support from loved ones is a crucial part of their healing journey. PTSD, a mental [...]
Living with Schizophrenia: 4 Tips to Make It Easier
899 words|4.5 min read|Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder that still leaves many mental health professionals confused, curious and ever-studying. It’s a complex disorder that looks a little [...]
The Negative Impact of Social Media on Teenage Development
961 words|4.8 min read|The majority of teenagers nowadays utilize some form of social media. Whether it’s Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., they know the way social media works [...]
Choosing Resolutions to Boost Mental Health
870 words|4.4 min read|Oftentimes, we make resolutions at New Year's which look towards our physical health. But have you ever stopped to consider the benefits of making resolutions [...]
Veterans, Mental Health, and the Holidays: An Overview
732 words|3.7 min read|It’s normal to experience highs and lows during the holiday season as social interactions increase, immune systems become suppressed, and financial expectations and other pressures [...]
A Deep Dive Into Teenage Sleeping Habits
947 words|4.7 min read|The parent of every teenager will be able to relate – teens sleep a lot. Whether it’s Saturday and you’re hammering on their door at 11:50 [...]
How Loneliness Can Take A Toll on Men’s Mental Health
906 words|4.5 min read|The holidays are a time of gathering together with friends and family, coworkers and teammates, to celebrate the joys of Thanksgiving and Christmas. But for [...]
How Teens Can Overcome Negative Thoughts
800 words|4 min read|We’ve all been there – the teenage years. Few of us would come out and say they were an easy period of time in our [...]