Dealing With Trauma During the Holiday Season
648 words|3.2 min read|Why are the Holidays a Trigger? With the holiday season upon us, there is an abundance of parties, dinners, gift-giving, and other winter festivities. While [...]
Signs Your Teen May Be Battling Depression
876 words|4.4 min read|Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions people face, and few are immune to the experience of depression. Whether or not an individual [...]
Mood Disorders and the Holidays: Causes and Care
698 words|3.5 min read|It’s natural to experience some level of stress, anxiety and even sadness around the holiday season. This Thanksgiving-through-January period is one of the busiest times [...]
The Difference Between Major Depressive Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder
756 words|3.8 min read|It’s completely natural to have days where you don’t feel your best. Social situations, relationships, diet, habits and more are all factors that influence how [...]
The Difference Between Being Depressed and Having Depression
703 words|3.5 min read|Have you noticed that being depressed seems to be almost trending nowadays? It’s true that rates of depression have risen in recent years, but so [...]
A 4-Step Guide on How to Overcome Seasonal Depression in Winter
916 words|4.6 min read|Seasonal depression is a condition where people experience symptoms such as decreased energy, a lack of motivation, depressive thoughts, oversleeping or insomnia. It most commonly [...]
What are Symptoms of High-Functioning Depression
951 words|4.8 min read|Many people experience symptoms of depression but wonder whether they meet the criteria to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Depression is defined by the [...]