CBT Mental Health Exercises for Your Home
791 words|4 min read|CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, is a type of therapy where individuals are trained to notice negative and destructive self-talk patterns that lead to self-destructing [...]
5 Signs of Positive Mental Health Change
764 words|3.8 min read|It seems like the world is making major strides in mental health right now. With growing awareness, easier access to therapy with online services and [...]
Working Alongside Your Partner to Discuss Depression Symptoms
546 words|2.7 min read|There’s absolutely no denying it: struggling with depression while navigating a relationship is a challenge, one that can leave both you and your partner feeling [...]
How to Increase Your Vitamin & Mineral Intake
680 words|3.4 min read|When battling depression, it is always essential to work closely with a licensed therapist or medical professional. While you know the personal history of your [...]
Taking Charge of Your Mental Health in 2021
751 words|3.8 min read|Caring for your mental health in 2021 is more important than ever considering how collectively detrimental 2020 was on our physical, mental and societal health. [...]
How Each Individual Plays A Role In Stopping Office Bullying
857 words|4.3 min read|We don’t typically associate the word “bully” with a professional workplace populated by adults. Unfortunately, bullies are present in the professional world with approximately 75% [...]
The Terrifying Truth of Intravenous Drug Use
1004 words|5 min read|Whenever drugs are consumed outside of the specific order of a doctor's prescription, there is a danger posed to a person's health. While many drugs [...]
Everyone Here is Drinking: What Do I Do?
798 words|4 min read|As an adult in your 20's or 30's, it seems like alcohol and bars are part of everyday life — a happy hour here, a [...]
Honoring Clients’ Privacy When Seeking Addiction Treatment
907 words|4.5 min read|One of the reasons that individuals hesitate to partake in treatment for substance use disorders stems from a fear of how others will respond to [...]
Single During the Holidays? Don’t Panic
1040 words|5.2 min read|The holidays are a hard time to be single. This time of year is filled with Christmas romance movies, gift-giving guides for significant others and [...]
Millennial Mental Health: A Deeper Look
525 words|2.6 min read|Millennials are the generation of people born between 1980 and 1994. Millennial mental health has particular characteristics that set it apart from other generations. The [...]